【IEGS2013】Under Level 3 Limited Cup (Lv2 tournament) 

This is a tournament which has special rules.



【conditions to participate in】

- All matches must be played on Inazuma Eleven GO Strikers 2013, vanilla game.


【Restrictions and Rules】

  • Most Lv3 or SP(Keshin) hissatsu are forbidden. 

  • Please remove these moves before the game starts. For example, if you use Yuichi
    you should remove his SP shot and Bakunetsu Screw.
  • However, Co-op shot which doesn't include Keshin is allowed. (ex. The Hurricane)
  • Lv3 Catch hissatsu whose power is 100 or less is allowed.
    In other word, you can't use these hissatsu below

    Armed Buttobi Punch

    Great the Hand

    Majin the Hand (Keshin)

    King Fire

    Gigantic Bomb

    High Voltage

    Mugen no Kabe (Infinite Wall)

    God Hand V

    God Catch

    Tamashii the Hand

    Maou the Hand

    Dual Smash

    Taikoku Oh-ka

  • About Mixitrans

You can use only Cao-Cao x Zanark, Yuichi x Kyosuke, and Fei x T-Rex. Their mixitrans Hissatsu are Lv2, they never violate rules.


Other rules - Forbidden characters

Characters being too difficult to counter, or compromise tactical element are going to be

  • Hebino, 1st Endo, and LJ Endo 
    They have 175 power earth catch hissatsu, and there aren't any wind hissatsu chain
    so that it becomes stable to use these GK. JP Endo or Poseidon is OK.

  • Laven
    His block hissatsu, big scissors enables us to shutout almost all dribblers easily.
    Moreover he has few disadvantages compared to other defenders.



From January 21st, other format will be decided on later.

 how to participate

Please register at MUST-GENERIC Training Center, the 2nd Japanese Discord server. 

if you have any inconvenience, please tell it on discord. 


OF vs DF

I use both chain and dribble. Chain is easier in my opinion.

